Dragon & Elder!

For the wise and powerful wizards.

Dragon & Elder Magic Wand held delicately by the tip, highlighting its precision and ancient craftsmanship for spellcasters.

The Dragon & Elder Wand

The Dragon & Elder Wand embodies immense power and wisdom, with its sharp ridges and rich elder wood giving it a commanding presence. Known for its protective qualities, elder wood has a long history in magical lore, warding off evil and dark magic. This wand is ideal for those who wield magic with purpose and authority, and who seek protection in their spells.

We currently offer 6 different styles of Magic Wands, each inspired by elements of real magical history.

The Dragon & Elder Wand

Dragon & Elder Magic Wand being held by a wizard, showcasing its intricate design and powerful craftsmanship for spellcasting.
Dragon & Elder Magic Wand floating above its box, showcasing its magical properties and ancient design.